Outdoors Woman, Meet Outdoors Man: Life in the Making!

What a busy, hectic summer we’ve had! Sitting down to write? Why, that means staying home and missing out on exploration time!

West Quoddy Head

West Quoddy Head – Lubec, Maine

We have been on the road every weekend, wandering around the nooks and crannies of Maine.

Moosehorn Wildlife Refuge

Moosehorn Wildlife Refuge

We’ve been on birding hikes with our club,  Aroostook Birders. We’ve camped in Acadia National Park, 11 of us, including our kids and grand kids. We  recently visited the decommissioned Loring Airforce Base where Dennis was born. Extremely cool place!

Gray seal, Herring Gulls, Bonaparte's Gulls, Black-legged Kittiwakes, Atlantic Coast off of Eastport, Maine

Gray seal, Herring Gulls, Bonaparte’s Gulls, Black-legged Kittiwakes – Atlantic Coast off of Eastport, Maine

We’ve enjoyed family birthday parties, canoed,  kayaked and fished with the kids. We’ve been raising and training AIM-9 every day. My,  has she grown!

Northern Goshawk

AIM-9, our Northern Goshawk, at 8 weeks old

Now, we’re settling in for the impending birth of a new grandson, Gage Rue. Excited! Our days and weeks are filled to overflowing, and life is GREAT with this outdoorsman of mine!

I have so much to write and share, and I WILL sit down to write again…soon.

Till next time…

Outdoors Woman, Meet Outdoors Man: One Crazy, Busy Summer!

Winter didn’t slow us down too much, and spring has been hopping with Dennis and I going out weekly in search of goshawk nests. Finding three nest sites and identifying three active pairs of goshawks during mating season made for one exciting prelude to the upcoming season.

Looking at our calendar, it’s shaping up to be one crazy, busy summer! I’ve started a list of dates on a sheet of paper on the fridge. I think I’m going to need a bigger sheet of paper since we keep adding to our list of events. In addition to our personal outings for nest hunting and goshawk selection, camping and hiking through Big Reed Pond Forest Preserve, baby shower, birthdays, camping at Chimney Pond and climbing Mount Katahdin, a family camping trip to Acadia National Park, canoeing, kayaking and fishing every chance we get, raising and training a goshawk and the upcoming birth of a grandbaby…deep breath…we have several daytrips planned with our birding group.

Dennis and I are members of the group, the Aroostook Birders. (Also on Facebook!) The group, led by President and bird expert, Bill Sheehan, is a highly active group. Spring and summer events are getting into full swing, and we’re really looking forward to some of the outings we have scheduled.

Aroostook Birders Waterfowl Walk

Aroostook Birders Waterfowl Walk

Saturday, we drove up to Fort Fairfield for a waterfowl walk and enjoyed a perfect, sunny spring morning checking out a large variety of local wildlife. The focus of the morning was on waterfowl, but we spotted quite a few beautiful birds that trip, including a nice display of raptors.

bird watching

Wildlife gazing with the group

I am admittedly not the greatest wildlife photographer, but I don’t think I put the camera down most of the time we were out. It’s pure love of nature and my fascination with wildlife that keeps me shooting!

Immature bald eagle

Immature bald eagle

We visited Nadeau Pond, Lake Josephine and Puddledock Pond. There were many species of waterfowl that I’d never seen before. Of course, Dennis was able to identify most of them. We watched a beautiful pair of Redhead ducks, Northern Shovelers, American Wigeons, Gadwalls, Ring-necked Duck, Common Goldeneye, Common and Hooded Mergansers, Green-winged Teal, Mallards and Blacks.

Ring-necked ducks

Ring-necked ducks

There were also our more common Canada geese in abundance.

Canada Geese Galore

Canada Geese Galore

Common Loon

Common Loon

Male Mallard

Male Mallard

There were Common Loons, Double-crested Cormorants, Belted Kingfishers and Brown Thrashers dropping by off and on.

Double Crested Cormorant

Double Crested Cormorant

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher

morning fishing

We weren’t the only folks enjoying the morning on the water!

We watched a huge American Bittern trying to hide in the tall grass at Puddledock Pond in Fort Fairfield. He fooled no-one!

American bittern

American Bittern in camo!

We enjoyed seeing a number of impressive raptors, including Northern Harriers, Ospreys, American Kestrel, Merlin, Red-tailed Hawk and a Bald Eagle.

Dennis got this nice shot of a kestrel while we were on our way home.

Dennis and I took the long way home after our morning with the group. There is an “alternate route” involved most every time we strike out for a drive together in the Jeep that will get us just about anywhere we want to go. There is a saying here in Maine, “You can’t get there from here.” Pfft! No problem so far! On road or off, there is no end to the sights, sounds and adventures we can find to entertain ourselves. It’s all in a day’s play with this outdoorsman of mine!

Till next time…

(For more info on how to become involved with the group, Aroostook Birders, please visit the WEBSITE and check out what we may have going on in your neck of the woods.)